My Bucket List Item #24… ✓

After receiving my Axel & Ash My Bucket List journal for Christmas and successfully ticking off my first Bucket List item a few days prior, I really was motivated to keep going with ticking off more items on my list. After discovering the 100 Things website by Sebastian Terry and reading through his Bucket List I was instantly inspired.


My Bucket List item #25 was to bet $100 on black:-

Seb is a fellow Aussie who is living his life travelling around the world and at home in order to tick off 100 things from his Bucket List and therefore feel that he has truly lived his life to the fullest and in every moment. His bucket list includes some crazy things like getting shot, marrying a stranger in Vegas and completing an Iron Man marathon. He is still ticking items off his list whilst also spreading the travel bug with others on expeditions and trips overseas in order to connect and meet others who just want to live in the moment.

Now reading through Seb’s list, one item in particular caught my eye and inspired me to think, I could to that… well, kind of. Seb ticked off betting $1000 on black from his list (make sure you check out the 100 Things $1000 Bet to see how it all went down for him) and got me thinking that one big bet is something I have never done but always wanted to.

Admittedly, $1000 is just a little too much for me to bet in one hand… I’m the kind of social gambler who plays with $20 for the night and then I’m out, so for me betting $100 in one turn was a big risk but I wanted to give it a crack.

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The (hopefully) lucky $100 was ready. 2015. Photo Credit: K.Allan

It was decided I would need some dinner and liquid courage before I headed to the roulette tables so myself and 3 friends had dinner at Cucina Vivo (an Italian styled restaurant) at Jupiters Hotel and Casino on the Gold Coast. Filled with food, wine and nerves we headed downstairs and it all played out.

I literally didn’t even think about it, just walked up to a roulette table (that I usually play at whenever I come to the casino), put my cash down, placed my bet and then watched that little ball spin round and round and round with everything crossed for black.


I Won!!!!! 2015. Photo Credit: Selfie 😉

Lucky number 4 appeared and I had doubled my money and won! Hooray! Whilst I was stoked to have won on this turn, it so easily could have gone the other way so luck was definitely on my side and therefore another very successful Bucket List item ticked ✓ off.

*Always gamble responsibly and in no way does this article encourage irresponsible gambling.*

Let me know if you’ve had any big bets pay off for you whether they be gambling, with friends or family? Make sure to subscribe (on the right –>)  to see which Bucket List Item I tick ✓ off next…

All posts are by Global Whispers and are entirely my own opinions, views and experiences.

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